
In a world with a fragile healthcare system, we at Bettr Health strive to improve. We want to take healthcare to the next level and believe in prevention and healthier behaviour stimulated by smart technology.

Bettr Health Solutions press release

Bettr Health Group and Capturum Software Group jointly launch Bettr Health Solutions for healthcare innovation.

EDE – Bettr Health Group and Capturum Software Group have jointly founded Bettr Health Solutions. The aim of this strategic partnership is to transform healthcare innovation through smart technology. Bettr Health Solutions, a new initiative of Bettr Health Group, builds on the success of Bettr Health Finance, which continued Philips VitalHealth operations earlier this year. Capturum Software Group is an international fast-growing software company with over 150 employees, offices in several countries and market leader with its Intergrip platform.

At a time when healthcare is facing ever-increasing challenges, Bettr Health Group and Capturum Software Group are combining their healthcare market knowledge and technology expertise in Bettr Health Solutions. In doing so, they aim to jointly move healthcare forward using smart technology and innovative software solutions.

Arjan Karens, founder of Bettr Health Group and former head of VitalHealth’s Benelux organisation, comments: “Together with Capturum Software Group, we are joining forces to accelerate healthcare. Our knowledge, development potential and experience, complemented by new technology, form the basis for ambitious goals. With cool projects, we want to inspire developers to contribute to socially relevant themes and learn from sectors that can enrich healthcare.”

Johannes Diepeveen, founder and CEO of Capturum Software Group, added: “From Capturum Software Group, we have long been looking for a unique partnership in healthcare where we can combine direct knowledge of the healthcare field with our development expertise. In Bettr Health Solutions, we not only have a lot of knowledge and a broad network within the healthcare field, but also the development expertise and clout to take on challenges. Many of today’s healthcare issues are about collaboration, information sharing and developing software that actually supports patients and professionals. With our experience, especially in the Intergrip platform, which has held a market-leading position in the Netherlands since 2005 and is used for chain cooperation around young people and school leavers, we are well positioned to tackle these challenges.”

Bettr Health Solutions represents an exciting new development in healthcare, with two organisations joining forces to drive innovation and improvement in healthcare processes. Collaboration and the use of smart technology will be central to Bettr Health Solutions’ efforts to transform healthcare.

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